A few examples of our in-store data
Real Store Data Collection

A data collection methodology that makes life easy for distributors, with very little impact on the store and very rapid deployment
Comparison with our Benchmarks

A large database with insights based on the impact of in-store executions and all aspects of shopper behavior to build best-practices and guides
In-store KPI Extraction

Very rich data on shopper behavior and the impact of the store on the purchasing process
Answers to Your Business Questions

Broad expertise on how to translate behavioral data into concrete responses to your specific retail challenges

And if your products are being sold online, we'll cover that too!
Online Shopping in a Natural Environment
Shoppers are recorded whilst doing a purchase in their natural environment (at home on the sofa, on the way to work, at the bus stop, etc.), using their own devices (computer, mobile) and at their own pace

Easy and Practical Deployment but very Rich Insights
Going beyond traditional Cookie-based analytics, we focus on the purchasing process, with its pauses, errors, backtracking, searches and ultimately success. If several sites are explored during the same shopping mission, we can also implement a cross-site analysis

The Online Store as a Store, not a Website
We analyse shopping patterns, purchase decisions and non-purchases. We then provide recommendations on site structure (tree structure), the e-planogram, out-of-category touch points (2nd POS) and even strategies linked to individual products